I recently received a beautiful message from a person I do not know, I know usually when you receive messages from strangers you either ignore or get very worried. I dont even know how this person found my email address but I will say his message was a blessing and I really appreciate it. The words in this email really brightened up my day and made me feel good about myself, so I am going to show you, this message may also help you personally feel good. Happy reading x
Title: Every continued blessing
You have no idea,
The great things that are about to happen to you,
The great endeavors you will do,
How you will inspire others to succeed.
You have only caught a glimpse of all of the wonderful things that shall come to pass.
And if people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully. You can learn much from those who have gone before you but never be afraid or hesitant to step off the accepted path and head off in your own direction, if your heart tells you that it's the right way for you. Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forget the value of persistence, discipline, and determination.
You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Thursday, 7 July 2011
A brand new me
I have been away from my blog, facebook and all other social network sites that I am on. I have been gradually adapting to motherhood, I have been very busy the past 2 months getting my son settled in to his new environment and making sure we are stable. The times we are living in is very difficult at the moment especially with all the cut backs, people losing their jobs and newly developed homes appearing on every corner. I personally would have loved to bring my son in to the world knowing that I was happily married, living & owned a big comfortable house, had a family car and have millions in the bank but lets be realistic that is just not how I am living right now.
I am happy and proud to say I have brought my son in to the world knowing that I am a strong loving single parent, he has a roof over his head, a big group of close family and friends who really love & support him and have enough money to help us get by.
Becoming a mother has helped me change so much as a person, when becoming a parent you really have to grow up and become a great role model to your child. As tiring as it is being a parent it is very enjoyable and I feel highly blessed to have been given this perfect gift, my son.
In the space of 2 months he has grown and developed so much, he smiles, laughs, babbles and has a high interest in watching tv. His personality is showing through and he really is a funny character. Everyday communication with him and introducing him to childrens educational programmes has really helped him become more alert. Seeing his progression helps me see that I am doing things the right way and I feel proud of myself. This time last year I never thought I would be a mother so soon! but I must say I love being a mother. At times it can be hard as you dont really have time for yourself especially as a nursing mother, there is so much to do feed the baby, change the baby, bath the baby, clean the house, buy baby stuff, buy stuff for yourself, sort out babies documents, visitors coming around all the time etc etc.
There has been days that I had not been able to comb & style my hair, wear my best outfits or get my nails done so once again I decided to shave my hair all off (going natural) and not stress about my image. Since shaving my hair I dont have to worry about combing my hair which is a relief as before that I looked like a wild jungle woman on a daily basis. I can also breathe. Becoming a parent you have to learn to adjust to change, its like starting a new life, living as a new you.
Motherhood does have its down sides but Im learning to accept them and be appreciative as there are women out there who cant or have not had children and would do anything to become a mother. My body has really changed and it is not how I like it to be but If I want that to change I know I need to work on it. I look back at pictures when my body was slim and flawless, I now have extra fat on my body, Im 2 sizes bigger than I used to be and I have gained stretchmarks on my thighs and belly. I have also had to deal with many sleepless nights like every other mother or father who cares for their child which is really really draining. I find myself rocking my son to sleep with 1 eye closed the other open at night sometimes, thats how tired I am, I fight sleep. But you have to look at the bright side of things its all for my son. The first month with my son I was quite down about how I looked but now I love the way I look! I love & accept every stretch mark and can see the beauty within them. My stretch marks are the result of my beautiful healthy little boy! This excess fat can be toned and it will be toned.
I have been working on a 30 day challenge that consists of living good and being good. I am currently on day 7 of my challenge which is a day of rest, and I must say I have been in need of rest! So today I have been in my pjs lying in bed with my son having mother and son time bonding. I will post up my 30 day challenge within the week and maybe you can try it also! I am on a mission to live a healthy lifestyle and see life in a positive light everyday of my life. The day my son entered the world is the day I promised to make a positive change and now its time to really put that in to action, not only for the sake of my son but for my sake too.
I have ended unhealthy friendships, taken myself off twitter as who really has time to update their status every other minute???, ammended the websites I do control and keep myself away from the internet. It is time to focus on me and my son. Our lives, our happiness, our future, our development. I have so much to think about and so much to work towards, so many challenges to face. I have a big responsibility now as a parent, my aim is to inspire my son, let him live a good healthy lifestyle and to live in pure love and happiness. I want to raise him with a positive mind and positive action, I want him to live his life to the fullest. But to do that I need to set the example and show him how to live this life, to do this I need to start with me!
If their is anybodies life I can control its my own! and I choose to live a happy life, with my son now being here has made me realise this, so I am enjoying everyday from now on and giving thanks to God above for all my blessings
I am happy and proud to say I have brought my son in to the world knowing that I am a strong loving single parent, he has a roof over his head, a big group of close family and friends who really love & support him and have enough money to help us get by.
Becoming a mother has helped me change so much as a person, when becoming a parent you really have to grow up and become a great role model to your child. As tiring as it is being a parent it is very enjoyable and I feel highly blessed to have been given this perfect gift, my son.
In the space of 2 months he has grown and developed so much, he smiles, laughs, babbles and has a high interest in watching tv. His personality is showing through and he really is a funny character. Everyday communication with him and introducing him to childrens educational programmes has really helped him become more alert. Seeing his progression helps me see that I am doing things the right way and I feel proud of myself. This time last year I never thought I would be a mother so soon! but I must say I love being a mother. At times it can be hard as you dont really have time for yourself especially as a nursing mother, there is so much to do feed the baby, change the baby, bath the baby, clean the house, buy baby stuff, buy stuff for yourself, sort out babies documents, visitors coming around all the time etc etc.
There has been days that I had not been able to comb & style my hair, wear my best outfits or get my nails done so once again I decided to shave my hair all off (going natural) and not stress about my image. Since shaving my hair I dont have to worry about combing my hair which is a relief as before that I looked like a wild jungle woman on a daily basis. I can also breathe. Becoming a parent you have to learn to adjust to change, its like starting a new life, living as a new you.
Motherhood does have its down sides but Im learning to accept them and be appreciative as there are women out there who cant or have not had children and would do anything to become a mother. My body has really changed and it is not how I like it to be but If I want that to change I know I need to work on it. I look back at pictures when my body was slim and flawless, I now have extra fat on my body, Im 2 sizes bigger than I used to be and I have gained stretchmarks on my thighs and belly. I have also had to deal with many sleepless nights like every other mother or father who cares for their child which is really really draining. I find myself rocking my son to sleep with 1 eye closed the other open at night sometimes, thats how tired I am, I fight sleep. But you have to look at the bright side of things its all for my son. The first month with my son I was quite down about how I looked but now I love the way I look! I love & accept every stretch mark and can see the beauty within them. My stretch marks are the result of my beautiful healthy little boy! This excess fat can be toned and it will be toned.
I have been working on a 30 day challenge that consists of living good and being good. I am currently on day 7 of my challenge which is a day of rest, and I must say I have been in need of rest! So today I have been in my pjs lying in bed with my son having mother and son time bonding. I will post up my 30 day challenge within the week and maybe you can try it also! I am on a mission to live a healthy lifestyle and see life in a positive light everyday of my life. The day my son entered the world is the day I promised to make a positive change and now its time to really put that in to action, not only for the sake of my son but for my sake too.
I have ended unhealthy friendships, taken myself off twitter as who really has time to update their status every other minute???, ammended the websites I do control and keep myself away from the internet. It is time to focus on me and my son. Our lives, our happiness, our future, our development. I have so much to think about and so much to work towards, so many challenges to face. I have a big responsibility now as a parent, my aim is to inspire my son, let him live a good healthy lifestyle and to live in pure love and happiness. I want to raise him with a positive mind and positive action, I want him to live his life to the fullest. But to do that I need to set the example and show him how to live this life, to do this I need to start with me!
If their is anybodies life I can control its my own! and I choose to live a happy life, with my son now being here has made me realise this, so I am enjoying everyday from now on and giving thanks to God above for all my blessings
Saturday, 28 May 2011
The new mummy me!

Wow it has been a long time since I have written out my thoughts, feelings and visions reason being............(drumroll please)..............
The birth of my son was the most amazing feeling and I am so grateful to be blessed with this wonderful gift. Im settling in to motherhood and I must say as enjoyable as it is looking into the eyes of my baby boy and seeing him smile it is also a very very hard role to play. The sleepless nights, demand breastfeeding, change of body, constant nappy changing and the slow memory I now have is a lot to take on.
I have watched my body change from slim & slender to a huge pumpkin sized belly to a small jelly belly with stretchmarks that look like train line connections....yeah you keep laughing but I will let you know as wonderful as pregnancy and being a mother is why do people not tell you the truth about the body changes, pains etc
So for some of you that are not aware of the dramatic changes I will tell you about mine, so here goes!
* Weight gain: I gained 30lbs and I could really see this weight on my hips, thighs, legs, belly and bum. I had the impression that I was going to have a big baby as I had gained quite a bit of weight for my height and size but to my surprise my son was a nice sized 7"4lbs. Now that I have lost a lot of weight I still have the thunder thighs that jiggle when I walk and a belly that hangs!. Through my pregnancy I did not have cravings I ate everything and anything, greed really took over and I was not thinking of a healthy weight, my mind was focused on keeping my belly satisfied (big mistake! because.................)
* Skin changes: stretchmarks started to creep on my bum, belly and thighs once I hit 8 months pregnant. I was so happy before this stage when I had only 1 tiny stretch mark that you could barely see, I was flaunting it to all my friends and family feeling proud and ready to get my slim & trim body back. I really followed peoples advice when they said use bio oil and cocoa butter as it will prevent stretchmarks............well I had a reality check! It does not work, stretchmarks are down to your genetics. If your mother and grandmother got them from pregnancy so will you, embrace it!. Now that I have lost the weight my stomach has got extremely dark and the stretch marks are very visible, like shiny snail trails, looks like I will not be flaunting my belly to the world.
* Water retention: Yes I gained kankles! and I am so glad they have gone. It was very uncomfortable walking around with swollen ankles, I had to rest my feet up alot. As fun as resting sounds it was not, I became very bored and ended up snacking out all the time in front of the tv. Kankles are very unattractive in a skirt, leggings you name it.
* Stomach & back pains: My belly got so big I left a belly bump dent in my mattress! and sleeping on my side was very uncomfortable, to turn to the other side was a challenge also, it took so long to turn around to the other side, I would huff and puff like I was carrying heavy shopping bags. Doctors do not tell you that lying on your side for so long gives you pain down your sides either, I felt like I had been beaten up. My back could no longer take the heavy weight and the pain became unbearable. I was beginning to waddle when I walked, I reminded myself of a penguin with extra extra weight.
* Pregnancy brain: yes this exists, you become very forgetful and your mind is all over the place. I had to stick post its around my room to remind me of the littlest things and somehow I still managed to forget to check the post its, I still have pregnancy brain to this day and so I have to put major plans on hold for maybe another month or 2 or 3!
* Toilet trips: *sigh* I am so glad toilet trips are over!, I was waddling to the toilet many times a day and night during pregnancy, it felt like such a task. Once you finished on the toilet it was a struggle to go back to sleep which was really annoying.
* Baby kicks: More like punches and thumps! sometimes these did hurt and I would have to tell my child to settle down in there. Night time is when he would really go crazy with the kicks and thumps and so sleeping became a difficulty as I was scared to lie on a side where he was moving a lot in case I hurt him. Sometimes you cant help yourself especially when your a first time mother
Now that my son is here I will be letting him know about pregnancy, the whole 10 months, 17 hours of labour, natural birth and my 3rd degree tear! but on the bright side I love him so much and will cherish him for the rest of my life, I feel very blessed to have him and looking at him I feel LOVE grow within me everyday stronger and stronger
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Finding the outer goddess

A few days ago I went out for a meal with some of my friends that I have not seen in a while, it was an enjoyable catch up. It was nice to see everybodies progression within their careers, relationships and social life. What I did really admire was all of their fashion styles, it made me really thing about my appearance. Since being pregnant I find myself not looking how I want to look and it really got me thinking how can I change my image. Women are forever changing their images from hairstyles to make up looks to dress sense, I have found in the last 2 years my image has changed a lot. I have gone from long dark hair to long brown hair to classical dark hair to shaved and now I have a natural small fro. My body has gone from slim to athletic to curvy and this is not down to diets.
Now that I am older there is a certain image I want to achieve which I am now trying to achieve. I want a chic, sophisticated, classy yet sexy look so the last week I have been looking on the internet at styles, fashion and looks that I really like and would like to put in to my new image. Us women spend so much money in keeping up with our appearances when you calculate the amount we spend it is a very very high number. I am trying to save my money for future investments and so I know I have to work on my image on a budget. Being realistic I feel a lot of us women should learn how to do things on a budget and cut down on over spending. I tell every woman you can look beautiful with only £5 in your pocket its not about what you wear its about how you wear it.
Women stress themselves to wear top designer labels and will sacrifice so much to buy a designer oufit. Now I know I am not a millionaire and a brand is just a brand to me. Yes some of these designer clothing looks beautiful but I can find something just as nice for much cheaper. Just because a celebrity is wearing it does not mean I have to get it to look nice. I shop within my budget and with all the cut backs going on I cannot afford a pair of £3000 shoes or a £300 hair treatment. I can look just as good as these celebrities with myself styled hair and my tkmaxx dress with shoes and myself applied make up. So here is how I will be doing it on a budget:
I will be very honest and say I DO NOT DIET, its just not something I am really interested in. I have gained quite a bit of weight due to being pregnant and I actually love the curves I have gained. I feel more womanly with bigger thighs, bum, hips and bust. I have never really been keen on diets as I do not stick to them, I am a big fan of food! So I am not prepared to stop eating the foods I enjoy. Now diets include exercise and with exercise I do not fully commit to it, this is down to me putting it off or the fact that the classes I am interested in costs quite a lot of money. 1 thing I really do want in my life is to live a healthier lifestyle and so I know I will have to change my eating habits and make an effort with exercise. Since I love the curves I have gained I do not really want to get rid of them, I am aware that my bust eventually will decrease and so will my stomach and so I am prepared for it. So to maintain the body type I want I have decided to work on my eating habits, I can eat the foods I like but in moderation, I also need to add either salad or vegetables with each meal so I am getting the nutrients I need. As much as I love fried foods I know I need to reduce the intake and so I will treat myself once a week with fried foods and try grilled food. Since I love food I should have no problem with this!. Recently I purchased a yoga dvd and to my surprise I really enjoyed it, it was very relaxing and included a meditation session. Now this is something I am willing to do at home at least once a week as it does relax my mind and makes my body feel much lighter. For the last year I have watched people go walking with a friend as exercise, now this is something I really want to do. Not only is walking a brilliant form of exercise it is nice to have a workout buddy who you can have a girly chat with at the same time. The problem is none of my friends are really interested in doing this form of exercise so this month I am on a search for a workout buddy. It is time to get toned up and get that much needed healthy body.
Moving on to my hair and makeup situation, Lord have mercy on my soul! There was a time I was quite good at applying makeup on myself and others but for the past year I have been living au natural so in other words make up free. I like the way I look naturally but the truth is I have dark circles around my eyes which I cannot get rid of, my skin is uneven tone and plus once in a while us ladies want a bit of creativity on our faces just to bring out the beauty a bit more. But a lack of applying makeup on my face has left me with very bad makeup skills. A trip to MAC is needed so they can advise me on natural looking make up styles and trendy eye looks for nights out. My hair is in the process of being saved as maintaining a short afro is very hard work, there is not much you can do with it but let it grow. I am trying to get my hair to grow healthily so I can do a nice crop with it as it is part of the lady look I am going for. I have invested money in organics olive oil collection and am devoting once every two weeks to a treatment and will be taking better care of my hair which I have not been doing. I am no hair expert and so I have had to look at hair blogs for help and have asked for advice. So hopefully in a month or 2 my hair will be looking presentable!
Dress sense has been difficult as being pregnant its hard to find attractive clothes and you don’t really want to spend lots of money on clothes you will only wear for a few months then have to get rid of. None of my trousers or dresses or tops fit so I have had to dish out money and buy a few tops and bottoms and believe me when I say they are not cute, I look like an ancient granny. But on the bright side I will be giving birth soon so once I have healed and baby is settled I will be able to work on my body and dress sense. As a mother I don’t feel dressing how I did when I was 18 is appropriate as I want to be a good role model to my child. I like short dresses and some fitted dresses but I know if I want to put this in to my image there is a certain style I would have to go for. So I have spent some time looking on the internet at celebrity hairstyles, make up & fashion. 1 thing I do have to stress to people is that I am not trying to look like these celebrities what I do is look at certain short hairstyles I like or make up styles I would like to try or see how they match certain clothes so that I can see how I can mix and match clothes within my wardrobe. The aim of my image is to be the woman I want to be so that is being myself but improving myself. Stepping out of my young girl look and stepping in to my young woman/mother look. These are the styles I have seen on celebrities that I do like and would like to put in to my image. Now the next step is working on this image, I have given myself for the rest of this year to experiment with my style and once I have found the looks I like I shall keep them and work with them.

To find the goddess on the inside you also have to find her on the outside!
Friday, 1 April 2011
Lets talk about LOVE
LOVE, LOVE LOVE, what is the meaning of the word love, the word love is used in many conversations every day many times a day. You tend to hear people say I love him, I love her, I love my job, I love tennis, I love art etc. Today I read up on the word love in the dictionary and this is what they say the meaning of love is:
* a strong feeling of affection:
babies fill parents with intense feelings of love
their love for their country
*a strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone:
they were both in love with her
we were slowly falling in love
* affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf:
give her my love
* a formula for ending an affectionate letter:
take care, lots of love, Judy
* a great interest and pleasure in something:
his love for football
we share a love of music
* [count noun] a person or thing that one loves:
she was the love of his life
their two great loves are tobacco and whisky
Now looking at this I cant help but think to myself too many people use and abuse the word LOVE, I have been guilty of this in the past too, we all do it and there are people that still do it. People feel I am rude & stuck up when I stare at them blankly with no response when they use the word LOVE in a sentence. When I do this it is not intentional. My intentions are not to be rude or to hurt anyone, Its the simple fact that when they use the word LOVE in a sentence I cant help but wonder do they even know the meaning of love????
How can you tell me you love your boyfriend so much but you snoop inside his phone to see who he talks to or you gave your number to a guy you met on the weekend because he seemed nice and had a nice car???
or you love tennis but yet you have never been to a tennis match before and you only know 2 tennis players names???
or you love your girlfriend so much and shes the one although you've cheated on her twice & still play around with other females????
And another thing about Love the doesnt make sense to me is when people say we fell in love, how do you fall in love??? did you fall in to your heart or his/her heart? was he/her someone you did not like before?. I do not believe in falling in love with someone, I believe when you first meet someone love should be there from the beginning and eventually with time your love for each other grows. Just like how a flower blooms Love blooms, it increases in size, your heart increases in size, your feelings and passion increase inside.
The times my exes told me they loved me I believed it because I was simply naive and did not understand the meaning of love, it just felt nice to hear someone say it. People need to understand the meaning first before they use it but saying this they need to understand the meaning of the word INFATUATION which is really what my exes felt for me and vice versa. I believe if it was love we would still be holding on to each other and going on strong. So here is the meaning of infatuation:
* an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something:
he had developed an infatuation with the girl
I hope this is merely a passing infatuation
does this sound familiar????
Now to me all this I love my boyfriend, I love tennis blah blah is not love at all! I strongly believe in LOVE and I really respect the word and meaning. To me personally I believe to love something or someone means you appreciate, your passionate, your committed, you have faith in and you are dedicated to it. Love is a powerful feeling that you can not get out of your mind or heart, the feeling is so strong that you give your all to it, you do not give up on it, you trust in it. It excites you, it fulfills you, it completes you.
If you tell me you LOVE movies, Id expect you to know many actors names, you have a big dvd collection and you go to the cinema very regular. If you love acting Id expect you to be a performing arts student or you go to drama school regular, learn scripts, analyse actors and attend castings. If you tell me you love someone Id expect you to make a lot of time for them, communicate with them very regular, you grow with them and share with them. This is what LOVE really is!
Now because I believe strongly that this is what the meaning of love is Im sure people will find when I use the sentence LOVE it tends to include food, movies, God, my family and my unborn child.
Me and food are like best friends, I enjoy food so much that when people mention it or meeting up for dinner I get excited lol, I even eat what I have slight allergies too!. I am a movie fanatic! my dvd collection is ridiculous, I spend so much money on dvds that you would think my father owns hmv. God is my creator and without him I would not have faith or this life I live. My family are my everything! we are so close and the bond we have is really unbreakable!. My unborn child is the most amazing, precious gift I have ever been blessed with and is mine to cherish forever! These are the things and people I love and I say that because its true.
When you mention the word LOVE not only should you be true to who you are saying it to but be true to yourself, is it really something you love or is it an infatuation/phase?
Once you understand the real meaning of love and know what you really love things become much clearer to you, you know more of what you want in life and obviously it would be more of the things you love.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Super Parent

The past few weeks I have been in deep thought about a topic that seems to be talked about all the time in such a negative way......................SINGLE PARENTS
I have never quite understood how people can judge someone for being a lone parent, immediately when you hear single parent people assume they live in a very poor community, they live off government money, they have no goals, their children grow up to be trouble makers and they have a lot of self anger. Now this is what I call a false created image of what a single parent is.
Being a parent full stop is very hard, there is so much to consider when bringing up a child, so many sacrifices are made. Your life completely changes. People feel with a mother and father a child lives a better life but the truth is this is not always the case. Parents argue, parents have disagreements and their are some families that go through mental abuse or physical abuse......is this a good life for a child? Not all families with both parents are perfect, but society wants everyone to believe it is and more problem areas are within single parent families.
The difference with having both parents and 1 parent is, to have both parents they have someone to make decisions with, and there is another person responsible for the childs upbringing. With a lone parent they make all the decisions by themselves and have full responsibility of their childs uprbringing..............do you really think this is easy????
When it comes to single parents I feel people need to stop and really look at the title SINGLE, LONE and realise what these parents are doing is truly amazing! as they are doing it aLONE. To raise a child financially, emotionally, physically and mentally by yourself is a major challenge. What people fail to realise is that some of these parents have dreams and goals and some of them really go for it! to do this and support a child by yourself, you deserve so much respect. Yes there are a few that give up but do you not think that is because they find it so hard doing it alone? does that mean we should judge them and make them feel worthless?
Instead of us showing lone parents more support we label them and give them a description which is so wrong! not every lone parent is the same, although they are single parents they have their own personalities, their own views on life so who are we to judge?! and lets not forget most lone parents do not want to be a lone parent, it is because of a situation that they are now lone parents. In most cases its due to a parent not wanting to be apart of the childs life, a break up in the relationship, domestic violence, a parent not really being supportive, a parent being mentally unstable or in prison.
Now I find it very wrong to blame all problems within the community on single parents, just because you are lone parent does not mean you will raise your child to be a bully to society or your child will be uneducated. Yes it is more of a struggle to raise your child financially but there are some wealthy people out there who have notorious children who are involved in drugs and crime. Crime comes from all backgrounds; rich, poor, black, white, asian, single parents, partnered etc. How you raise your child is your choice, we all know how we want our children to be raised or how we want them to live but it doesnt always work this way. people need to be aware that once a child is out of their parents sight they tend to play a different character due to peer pressure, this is not the parents fault. If you want to blame someone blame the government for taking away so many community clubs for children which was helping them focus on something positive instead of being on the streets up to no good. Give a child something enjoyable to do and thats where there focus will be.
I have a few friends who are single parents and are brilliant parents! they work, drive, make time for friends and family and their kids always come first. There are many celebrities who are lone parents and have successful careers for example Elle Macpherson, Jodie Foster, Lisa Raye, Minnie Driver, Sandra Bullock, Cheryl Crow, Ricky Martin. People are so quick to judge without getting to know what it is to really be a single/lone parent. It means exactly what it says a parent doing it alone, a parent playing both roles which is not easy at all.
I personally have so much love, respect and support towards single parents. In my eyes your SUPER PARENT! and I applaud you for your hardwork in supporting your child/ children and yourself by yourself!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Body beautiful or body confused?
I recently came across a video of a reality tv star Heidi Montag who not so long ago had 10 or more surgical procedures in 1 day. Her frame of mind has changed from how she first felt about surgery and I feel the need to express my thoughts on this topic. As a woman myself I feel women in general are put under so much pressure to have the image of the ideal woman. But the major question is "what is the ideal woman?"
There was a point in my life where I really wanted breast implants and went crazy searching for the best plastic surgeons in the UK. I thought If I had bigger boobs I would feel more womanly, now I ask myself who gave me the thought that having big boobs makes you more womanly? I continuously watched videos on breast enlargement and the more I watched the more I became concerned about the risks. I eventually researched womens after results and to my surprise there were quite a few negative that really put me off and since then I have permanently ruled out surgery for myself.
When I watched extreme makeovers I would have been 1 of the first to judge women who go through these surgeries, diets etc to enhance their appearance but that is because of a lack of knowledge and ignorance. It is only recently I done some research on the history of the ideal woman and suprisingly it goes back to many many years ago within slavery times. In those years the ideal woman should have had a thin nose, slim body frame, pert bust and silky long natural hair. Women would stuff their bras with tissue, bleach their hair & skin, straighten their hair etc. Now adays that has sligghtly changed. Bleaching is still on a rise, straigthening hair but now we have cosmetic surgery which is hugely expanding.
Some say the ideal woman is a woman with bleach blonde hair, big boobs and thin framed. Some say a woman with a small waist, curvy hips, tanned skin and big boobs, some say a woman who is thin all over........so which one is it?
I personally feel the media are a major influence on women & men! The media tends to show us what they believe is the ideal woman and so many of us are really taken by this to the point we begin to change the way we look to look like what we see on the tv and in magazines. The media tell women this is how you should look and they tell men this is what your girlfriend/wife/partner should look like.
The media are very aware of the strong influence they have on women and are very aware that women spend a lot of money on magazines, watching reality shows to look and feel like these women they see being advertised. For many years the media have promoted diets, exercise regimes, fashion musts and the ideal look a woman should have. What they fail to promote is what some of these things cause..... eating disorders, drug abuse, body strain, stress, debt, intense surgical procedures etc
Women are beginning to lose their own identities as they are trying so hard to be someone else, someone who society sees as beautiful. How many times do we see Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, Cheryl cole in magazines???? to be beautiful do we have to walk around with bright red hair? whitened teeth? full make up on? botox? what is it that we are actually telling ourselves?......................that we are not beautiful the way we are and that these celebs are beautiful?
Yes they are beautiful but we fail to realise that they are in the public eye and are put under so much pressure to look perfect on a daily basis. If they attempt to live a day being natural the media are so malicious and will say things to really break them. How we see them in a magazine or on tv is not how they look naturally there is a lot of hair, make up, styling and editing put in to their looks. I find it quite shocking how magazines will enhance body parts on a woman to make her look perfect, there are a lot of female celebs who notice this themselves and start to feel they need to change certain things on their bodies. celebs are influenced by what others say about them also, if anything they gain more insecurities than the average woman does. It is easier for them to reform their images as they have enough money to do all these surgical procedures and many plastic surgeons will not turn them away!
Plastic surgeons need money and will really make you believe that a little surgery can make you look better. But a little surgery can lead to multiple major surgeries this is what they will not tell you. There have been many incidents of surgeries gone wrong and once it has gone wrong sometimes it can never be fixed, sometimes it ends up in death!
I am not going to judge women who go through these surgeries. Some people say its ignorance, some say they are stupid or vain they simply have an insecurity. We all go through insecurities but we all react differently to our insecurities.
The best thing for us to do is be supportive and show them the pros and cons of changing their appearances. Watching the heidi montag video I felt proud of what she had to say, she does send out a positive and truthful message to women. What she went through must have been very hard, yes it was her choice but you need to consider what made her feel the need to change her looks in such a dramatic way in the first place. The answer is THE MEDIA!
It seems being natural is a disease in the modern world and being surgically enhanced is the way forward. If this is the case how do we know who we really are???
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