Its almost the end of january! It feels like the days have flown by so quickly but I am so proud to say so much has been achieved within this month, more than I actually expected.
Starting off with the decorating of my home, now decorating is a LONG and TIRING task! Just to get all your belongings out of one room can take a full day or 2 especially if you have as much stuff as I do, now a few rooms had to be emptied in 2 days and that felt left my body feeling extremely stressed and tired. I was so glad when the rooms were cleared out for the decoraters to start their work. Well after 2 weeks of decorating and me having to sleep on my sisters floor I am soooooo glad to be home back in my bed! in a lovely new looking room! haha. I appreciate my sister letting me stay at her home especially as she has so much going on in her own life. But I am happy to be back home, Ive really missed my bed and being able to do what I usually do in my own home. The wait was definately worth it my room looks a lot better now. I had my room painted white and electric blue, then I added in white wardrobes to match my white summer bed. I love the way my room looks now and it looks so much bigger. Now the extremely hard task was deciding what to keep and put back in to my room and what to give to charity. I managed to let go of a lot of clothes, childhood stuffed toys and the most upsetting a lot of my books. I am a book worm! reading really relaxes me and I get lost in the book. So letting them go was tough but I have read them many times so its only right that someone else can enjoy them. My room is finally clutter free! January project has been achieved!
My next achievement really made my day as It is something I have always wanted but never ever happened. I have always wanted to be in a hair or beauty magazine but in the past I never met the right people to make this happpen or I would go to a casting full of so many females which usually ended in me not being selected as I did not have the right look. Last year and the year before I did manage to work with a few hairdressers and recieved some beautiful images but the images were not selected to be put in to magazines. But I am happy that finally 1 of my images is in the february/march 2011 issue of black hair & beauty magazine! yaaay me :)
My next achievement is I have really been working on my organisational skills, I have been putting daily tasks in my diary that I need to achieve. I have been very strict on myself and made sure I done the tasks even if they were boring or took forever to do. When completing a task I felt really proud of myself and praised myself which for some reason made me keep pushing myself to do the next task. I managed to organise all my dvds in to a huge case and list each dvd which took me 4 long hours but everything is in order and looks neat. So go me!
Now I am preparing for my february project which is based on health and beauty. I am going to learn to cook healthier meals from different countries and use natural beauty products. So pampering my self very reguarly and seeing what products work best on my skin. I will be taking care of my body inside and out, once I have found a regime that works for me I will use this regime for the rest of the year so I will start researching from now!