Wow it has been a long time since I have written out my thoughts, feelings and visions reason being............(drumroll please)..............
The birth of my son was the most amazing feeling and I am so grateful to be blessed with this wonderful gift. Im settling in to motherhood and I must say as enjoyable as it is looking into the eyes of my baby boy and seeing him smile it is also a very very hard role to play. The sleepless nights, demand breastfeeding, change of body, constant nappy changing and the slow memory I now have is a lot to take on.
I have watched my body change from slim & slender to a huge pumpkin sized belly to a small jelly belly with stretchmarks that look like train line connections....yeah you keep laughing but I will let you know as wonderful as pregnancy and being a mother is why do people not tell you the truth about the body changes, pains etc
So for some of you that are not aware of the dramatic changes I will tell you about mine, so here goes!
* Weight gain: I gained 30lbs and I could really see this weight on my hips, thighs, legs, belly and bum. I had the impression that I was going to have a big baby as I had gained quite a bit of weight for my height and size but to my surprise my son was a nice sized 7"4lbs. Now that I have lost a lot of weight I still have the thunder thighs that jiggle when I walk and a belly that hangs!. Through my pregnancy I did not have cravings I ate everything and anything, greed really took over and I was not thinking of a healthy weight, my mind was focused on keeping my belly satisfied (big mistake! because.................)
* Skin changes: stretchmarks started to creep on my bum, belly and thighs once I hit 8 months pregnant. I was so happy before this stage when I had only 1 tiny stretch mark that you could barely see, I was flaunting it to all my friends and family feeling proud and ready to get my slim & trim body back. I really followed peoples advice when they said use bio oil and cocoa butter as it will prevent stretchmarks............well I had a reality check! It does not work, stretchmarks are down to your genetics. If your mother and grandmother got them from pregnancy so will you, embrace it!. Now that I have lost the weight my stomach has got extremely dark and the stretch marks are very visible, like shiny snail trails, looks like I will not be flaunting my belly to the world.
* Water retention: Yes I gained kankles! and I am so glad they have gone. It was very uncomfortable walking around with swollen ankles, I had to rest my feet up alot. As fun as resting sounds it was not, I became very bored and ended up snacking out all the time in front of the tv. Kankles are very unattractive in a skirt, leggings you name it.
* Stomach & back pains: My belly got so big I left a belly bump dent in my mattress! and sleeping on my side was very uncomfortable, to turn to the other side was a challenge also, it took so long to turn around to the other side, I would huff and puff like I was carrying heavy shopping bags. Doctors do not tell you that lying on your side for so long gives you pain down your sides either, I felt like I had been beaten up. My back could no longer take the heavy weight and the pain became unbearable. I was beginning to waddle when I walked, I reminded myself of a penguin with extra extra weight.
* Pregnancy brain: yes this exists, you become very forgetful and your mind is all over the place. I had to stick post its around my room to remind me of the littlest things and somehow I still managed to forget to check the post its, I still have pregnancy brain to this day and so I have to put major plans on hold for maybe another month or 2 or 3!
* Toilet trips: *sigh* I am so glad toilet trips are over!, I was waddling to the toilet many times a day and night during pregnancy, it felt like such a task. Once you finished on the toilet it was a struggle to go back to sleep which was really annoying.
* Baby kicks: More like punches and thumps! sometimes these did hurt and I would have to tell my child to settle down in there. Night time is when he would really go crazy with the kicks and thumps and so sleeping became a difficulty as I was scared to lie on a side where he was moving a lot in case I hurt him. Sometimes you cant help yourself especially when your a first time mother
Now that my son is here I will be letting him know about pregnancy, the whole 10 months, 17 hours of labour, natural birth and my 3rd degree tear! but on the bright side I love him so much and will cherish him for the rest of my life, I feel very blessed to have him and looking at him I feel LOVE grow within me everyday stronger and stronger