Ive been hibernating for a while and I would say now has been the best time to do that since the world cup is on. With the world cup being on it means no distractions I can really focus on what I am trying to achieve this year and in my life. Im not really a football fan so I really have no reason to watch the world cup, it actually bores me to be honest, for me to watch football I would need a whole lot of snacks and junk food to keep me focused lol.
In my hibernation time my mind has been like a yoyo, one day I am happy and full of life, the next day negative thoughts kick in. This all leads down to the goals I have set myself. I have set myself with a few goals this year and I am still yet to achieve a lot of them, I am so used to easily achieveing my goals very quickly and so now that it is not working that way I get frustrated. sometimes I even feel like giving up and when I try to confide in someone they have nothing but negative feedback that makes me feel a lot worse.
So I have kept myself away from people so that I can try and regain my positive thoughts and positive actions, Its like Im disconnecting with 1 network and joining another. By saying this I mean I am closing down everything that adds to my negative thoughts and embracing over powering positive energies. By doing this my mind is beginning to feel a lot more positive and I find myself feeling more self motivated.
I have been doing my regular exercise for an hour 3 times a day which I am really enjoying suprisingly. I have also taken up jogging early in the morning every saturday, I find when jogging its a change of scenery, I get to be around nature, breathe a different air and let go of all thoughts whether it be positive or negative. I have alo set up a step by step career plan! So for now I am working on those steps and doing my best to achieve them. To do this I have been going to the library to do research, read books that stimulate my mind and accessing courses on the internet. I feel I am going down the right track and I am coming to accept that I need to be a bit more patient, I need to take things step by step and stop thinking things will happen over night or less than a month. Some things just take time but If I work hard towards it, it will eventually happen. Theres no rush.
I find what has really helped me become more positive is angel cards, watching over 'the secret' and affirmations. I believe in God but I am definately more of a spiritual person, and I definately believe in angels especially after my recent experience. What I love about the angel cards is whatever feelings and thoughts I have, when ever I pick out an angel card the answer is always an answer to what I am thinking and feeling. Its like my angels are really with me daily and are answering me. I love watching the secret as it is very powerful and knowledgable stuff, its very motivating also. Everytime I watch it I automatically smile and feel that my life will get better everyday.
Affirmations are definately the key factor for me personally, I say them everyday and when I say them I have a great day, even when bad things happen. On a bad day I find a positive from it and see this as a lesson learnt. I have been listening to Louise Hay affirmations when I do feel low and listening to her words pick me right back up, her words give me reassurance and have helped me learn to enjoy life and myself more.
I am going to make sure I have pampering time for myself also during my hibernation period, so that means treating myself to foods I like, doing my nails, playing around with make up styles and trends, changing up my wardrobe style and my favourite movie nights in bed!
My morning daily affirmation that I feel everyone should say: I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy