Today is a beautiful day and I am indoors trying to see the positive within a negative situation.
Yesterday I was extremely frustrated and almost lost hope, I came in to work to find out that they will be closing down at the end of June and so I no longer will be working there. At first I was cursing in my head because to be honest the first few things I was thinking about was my finances and the fact that it is quite hard to get jobs at the moment. I work at a job that does not pay too well as it is and for the work I do they should really pay much more! but saying that remember I told you they mess me about a lot so lets just say my recieved finances are crap.
It took me a few minutes to realise that this is actually what I wanted!, I have been so miserable in my job and I wanted to get away from it, I wanted to get away from that whole field of work and right before my eyes it is happening. I have prayed to God to release me from this field of work and guide me in the direction of the career that I want. Could this possibly be God answering my prayers??? I believe he really did!
Now that the door will be closing on that field of work I am waiting for the right doors to open. The question is How do I find that door or doors? where do I go? how do I start?, this is where I really need help and guidance. Changing your career is not as easy as some people think it is, you have to be prepared for rejection and we all know to be rejected is a horrible feeling. You also need to take in to account that you may not have much experience within this new field or the qualifactions which give some employers a reason to say no.
Recently I sent through an application and recieved a response telling me I was unsuccessful, so I messaged the company back to ask why I was unsuccessful so I know where to go back and improve on. Funny enough I did not get a response, to be honest I believe I may know the main reason but I could be wrong. With this application you had to send pictures of yourself, to some people especially in the UK my look is not classed as feminine or beautiful or sexy or appealing. To them it is intimidating, rebellious and african inspired which they do not see as diverse or appealing to the eye, Living in the UK the european look is what people want. I have accepted that this is how some people are in this world, very judgemental and dont believe in change or giving people chances but that is their error. If we all looked the same there would be no such thing as diverse or versatile. The positive within this negative is whenever you are unsuccessful find out why, if they respond you have recieved some tips on what to improve on. this is the next step to getting that career you want.
I also strongly believe that there are people in this world who are more accepting of different looks and accept people with less experience or qualifications. Some employers are aware that this is how people grow and develop within their careers. We all have to start from small to make it big, my inspirations when it comes to career are richard branson, tyra banks and oprah. They started out small and have made it very big and I believe we can all do the same if we put are all in to it and do not let the word NO stop us. I no longer take rejection as rejection I see it as that was not the job for me and something better is waiting for me.
I watch and enjoy reality shows but noticed that a lot of people aspire to be like the characters in the shows, what they seem to forget is these people have been helped by someone with a very wealthy background eg their partner or parents. they were brought up in wealth, whereas a lot of us havent so how can we live that lifestyle when we are no where near that wealth????
To be honest yes I would like to be wealthy but I do not think about wealth too much I am very passionate about the career I want! I know If I get this career I will put my all in to it and enjoy it as It is something I have wanted for many years. Wealth will come but when It does I dont see myself shopping in very expensive shops just to get a piece of clothing with a brand name. I would buy a family home, travel around the world with family and friends, set up play and education camps in africa for homeless children and save for my childrens future.
So what next? how do I make this happen?. This is my theory on the path that you take through life. When walking down a path there are different levels on each level there are a a few doors. We get to choose a door to go through, the door can either be good for us or not so good. If you go through a good door you have accomplished that level and are walking down the path that is right for you and on to another set of doors. If you went through a door that is not so good, do not beat yourself up about it, that door shall be closed and you try another door, one of those doors will be the right door for you.
Some things come quicker for other people and so I am learning not to focus on that and to remain focused on my path. I am going to take 1 step at a time and work hard towards achieveing my career goals, when help is needed I will ask for help as I know sometimes you cant do everything yourself. Some things we know and some things we dont, so why not ask someone who does know?
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