I am really excited this week and I am hoping and praying the excitement remains till the end of the year!
When the new moon was approaching I decided to pick out an angel card for the next 6 months which I call my new moon card. My card was "New love", I was very happy when I got this card as I am searching for my soulmate. I am ready to settle down and have a family of my own. All my loved ones seem to be getting married, having babies or moving in with their partners which has really inspired me and made me want these things in my life even more. With my new moon card I set myself new goals which is part of my new beginning. So far I have achieved some of the goals and I am so happy about this!
Firstly last year I was telling my sisters how much I wanted to change my fashion style. I wanted to have a bit of a mature look yet something stylish and sexy. So with the little temp jobs I have been doing this year when I got paid I would head out to the shops and markets like portabello and purchase some bargains. I also keep a lot of my old clothes that still fit as fashion always repeats itself! Now when I look in my wardrobe I am loving what I see! the bags, shoes, accessories, dresses, jackets. I feel like I have accomplished my new fashion style. There is only 1 thing missing from that but Im working on it.
Although I have been financially struggling miracles really have been happening in my life. Strangely I have only been able to see them clearly this year, could it because I am more spiritually enlightened now than I have ever been?
My laptop, my dear old friend was battered, bruised and dying! It was an old packard bell and I did not want to let go of it as it has so many pictures, videos, work files of mine on there. It holds great memories for me and so letting it go was a no no! I even used celotape to hold the screen together. Yes I know some of you are laughing and I am too the shame haha. It is not until my battery would only last 7 minutes without the charger and kept freezing I accepted and decided it needs to be put to rest. So sadly on 06/08/2010 my dear old friend was boxed up and put away. I knew it was time to get a new laptop but with what funds???, I had been looking for a mini laptop that I can carry around with me so I can do work on the go but also had some little fun things to it like skype, msn, games, pictures and music. I am a SATC fan and in SATC2 I couldnt help but notice the vivienne tam hp mini netbook and I am telling you my heart stopped, I wanted it! it was soooo cute. I got on the internet and done a bit of research on it and I decided I wanted it but problem is I had no money to buy it!. I was on the phone communicating with 2 of my good friends and 1 of them had purchased the netbook, that was my sign that I had to get it.
Funny enough my mom approached me the day after and said I would need a laptop to do some work and apply for jobs and so she is going to get me a laptop of my choice, once I get a job I will have to pay her back. I almost cried! my mother knows how hard I have been working towards getting a great job and would often tell me to take breaks before I end up having a breakdown. I know that she really wants me to get a great job and to offer to buy me the laptop I was so thankeful and I still am. Sooooo I currently have the butterfly vivienne tam netbook and I am loving it! my mother got the pink chinese one and together were working it all out, its been so much fun. Just through these netbooks me and my mom are really bonding.
My next new thing is the HTC desire! my current phone has been headache and I have wanted to get rid of it for months! but due to the contract that was not possible so I have waited and waited for my upgrade and it has finally happened. I have had my eyes set on the HTC for a very long time and so now that I am getting it I am more than happy.
My new start is really happening with a bang! and I am for once in my life really really happy. I believe when I really want something and I focus on it, God sends a miracle. I feel very blessed and Grateful to have God in my life. New moon, new beginning, new laptop, new phone and now Im praying for new job, new career and finally NEW LOVE
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