So its just the 1st week in to this month and I am beginning to panic and worry as my finances are really decreasing! It really sucks being unemployed. The recruitment agencies I have joined have not yet contacted me with any work and when I did call them to check if any work had come through I recieved the same response they were unaware that I was not working, is that a joke?????!!!!, I call them every week with the same question "is there any work available", sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes no. My words of advice never rely on recruitment aencies, get out there and find a permanent job at least you know it will be more stable.I have also been handing out my cv to a few places and to top it off sitting in front of my computer for hours filling out LONG application forms. I know I should not complain as I have been able to do a bit of work this year and there are people still struggling to get a days work. I am hoping things turn around for me and I do find something that I will enjoy. I have been quite lucky and just had 2 interviews! Some people may think only 2 interviews???!!! but what they need to understand is so many people are losing their jobs and to get the 1 interview is a miracle now adays!
Im hoping from these interviews I get a positive result! so that I can scream out "I am finally employed again!!!! woohoo!" haha.
It is stressful having little money and having to drastically budget your money as bills come along, paying for transport, food etc etc. You end up cuting out your social life, your unable to treat yourself or buy some of the things you actually need. I have set myself financial targets this year and due to not having a stable job I have not yet achieved them which is a big dissapointment for me. I keep saying to myself I should not be so hard on myself, I did not plan any of this, I was not aware that I would be made redundant. All I can do for now is keep job hunting.
I will admit the job hunt has been harder for me as I have decided to change my career and get in to something I really enjoy, something that I am passionate about and want to progress in. Within this field I have applied to so many places and it really does annoy me when you get no response. Now adays employers arent so professional or shall I say respectful to job seekers, you can apply for a job and never hear from them. It would be nice if you got a message saying you have been successful or unsuccessful, I personally would appreciate that more than being ignored. Sometimes you do not know if they have recieved you cv, sometimes you call and you are told you will get a call back and gues what???? you never get that call back.
I feel like I am walking on pebbles at the moment and would like to be walking on a smooth road, but the only way to do this is to make drastic changes, and that could mean letting go of one of my passions, something I believed I would do careerwise. This may be the wrong or right choice I do not know, but I know for now the only way for my financial status to improve is to work long hours or more days. Im still thinking about this.........Its times like this that I need a sign, a miracle or someone/something to appear in my life and guide me in the right direction. It is time to re-evaluate this year so far, what I have achieved, what I have not, what needs improvement and what needs to change.
What to do? what to do????
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