In December I had time to sit back and reflect on my life and past relationships and decided that starting january 2010 I will be part celibate and so hear I am still part celibate and loving it. When I tell people I am part celibate they all seem to have the same reactions 'its easy to give up sex anyone can do it' or 'celibacy is for idiots, it makes no sense', when I get these reactions I dont feel the need to explain my reasons or beliefs as I know It will turn in to a debate which will then lead to a heated argument. I feel if people do not believe in celibacy that is ok and that is up to them, I have my reasons for being part celibate.
People wonder why I say part celibate, celibacy means to not be married ever or/and to practice sexual abstinence. I strongly believe in marriage and will one day be married. I am removing intimacy with a man from my life at this moment, so no sex.
My belief in celibacy and why I decided to become celibate is I am respecting, loving and appreciating my body. My body deserves respect, love and appreciation, I am a creator and a nuturer. As a woman I have been given the gift to have babies which is the most beautiful creation to mankind and I personally do not want to produce babies for just any man or a man I have been dating for a while. We all know sometimes that can lead in to a very bad situation.
In the past I have made mistakes of being intimate with men I had long term dated and I would always end up feeling frustrated and annoyed, I felt this way as they were not my long term partners and they were not someone I saw myself marrying or having a family with, so something had to change and for the better. Thats when I made the decision that I am going to be part celibate, when I do meet my soulmate, the man I believe I will marry and have children with, then I will be intimate and I know I will enjoy it and it will be very special as it will be with the man I truly love.
I am not going to lie It has been a bumpy road, I like every other person have urges but I have managed to control myself and I am not afraid to say this I control myself the good old fashion way masturbation. I used to be so grossed out when older women told me they masturbated but as I got older I realised its normal. People can look at me or judge me the way they want! but I know with masturbation it is healthy and safe at the end of the day Its all about self love and satisfying myself. If I can satisfy myself then I will not feel the need for a man to do it for me. Its about being strong within yourself and not feeling the need for a man to make you feel good.
If I let every man in to my domain then what I give them would not be special and how my body would feel afterwards would certainly not feel special, I'd feel used and that is not going to happen in my life I am older and wiser now. I have even given my area the name 'fruit of the loom' as that is the best way to describe it.
I cherish and love my fruit of the loom and when Its time for intimacy with my life partner I am very sure he will too!, so no intimacy for me right now in my life is a great thing!
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