Do you ever wake up from an amazing dream that has you wondering and questioning your life. You find yourself out of focus through the whole day, when your at work you cant seem to concentrate as your mind is not there or when people talk to you, you dont really pay attention to what they are saying?
Its that feeling when you feel there should be more happening in your life and you dont understand why it is not happening, its like the world stops and your facing your reality. You see people living or doing what you want to do in life, people flying by you and your stuck.
For a while now I go to bed and have some wondeful dreams on how I want my life to be and how I want to feel. Some may think I want fame, lots of money a flash car but the truth is that is not how I see my life. Although my dreams are wonderful their also haunting as when I wake up I am not living how I want to and I dont have the same feeling that I had in my dream. I wake up to hear my neighbours making the most amount of noise, have to rush and get ready for work, get to work do my 9 hour job sometimes 12 hours and then return home. By the time I get home its like my whole day has gone and there was no excitement in it.
Yesterday It had me thinking in 10 years how do I really want to see myself and then I realised that in 10 years time I want to look back at all the fun I had, see my achievements and feel proud. I noticed how I began to change, Im not as active as I used to be, I dont go out much, work seems to be my main priority and theres a build up of so much stress. It hit me that I can not and will not live my life like this because the truth is in 10 years time I will look back and say 'I wasted my life!'. That feeling of saying something like that really got my mind thinking and anxiety started to build up to the point I was almost in tears but its like something really stopped me from tearing up inside.
Not too long ago I created 2 vision boards, 1 for my whole life and 1 for this year while my anxiety was building up I was actually facing my vision boards. Looking closely at the images and phrases gave me a strong feeling inside as what I never ever realised is that I had achieved some of my goals that I had put on my vision board, realising this helped me see I can achieve the other goals I have set myself for this year and If I can achieve these goals I am actually on my way to living how I live in my dreams.
I also have a few images that I have in my phone, Images that show what I really want in my life, Images that have so much meaning to me. These Images are images I see personally of myself andhow my life is in my dreams. I find when I feel I am having a hard day at work or Im down I tend to bring my phone out and focus on these images. It gets me everytime its like a message telling me your hard work goes towards your dreams everything will happen in time. Now I dont even have to look at the images in my phone as it is stuck in my mind, when I close my eyes I can see it, the vision is very strong. The more I see it the more I feel its getting closer to me.
The images I carry in my mind, on my vision board and in my phone:
Car: I have been very slack when It comes to driving and I am very ready to get on the road, mainly because I know driving comes in very handy.
House: when I found this image of this house I fell in love, I dream of living in a beautiful country like Cyprus. Close to the beach somewhere calm and relaxing, somewhere If my family and friends need a get away they have somewhere to come and stay.
Mary and Jesus: I believe in God and at this point in my life I am connecting with my spirituality. I am learning to have more faith and believe. The love between Mary and Jesus is the love I want with my own children.
Puppy: I love animals and I want a puppy lol, what can I say If I was rich I would have a zoo in my back garden.
Heidi Klum: Although I do not know her personally I have a lot of respect for her, she is a good role model an I love the fact that shes a hard working woman and is able to balance family and friends with work. She puts her family 1st and is always smiling. Shes in a loving relationship and comes across as a warm person. This is how I want to be as a woman. I do not want to look like her I want to have the same morals and outlook on life. Be loving, smiling, hardworking and mostly enjoying my life.
Marriage: I love the fact this picture shows th rings and hands connected, I strongly believe in marriage and 1 day I want to find my soulmate and get married. I want forever lasting love
Family: This picture is a picture I really love, it speaks so many words to me. I see the wedding ring on the womans finger, cute baby in the middle and both parents hands holding the baby. It symbolises family, love, commitment all the things I want in my life.
I sleep, eat and breath these images as I know deep down in my heart someday I will have these precious things in my life. So now when I wake up I wake up with a smile and ready to face my day. I get to work and Im still all smiles as I know when I get paid the money is going towards that house and that car! so its a win win situation. When I get home I relax, unwind and do something that makes me happy like talking to a friend on the phone or chatting with my sisters. It then feels like Ive actually had a good day as Ive had a good chat, had a productive day at work, had time to relax and time to spend with my family. I realise it is 1 more step up the ladder with a few more steps to go :)
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