Let me start of by saying welcome to 'Finding The Inner Goddess'
Some people may be wondering why I decided to do a blog on this topic and so I shall explain, personally for me I love reading and writing and I feel there is so much I can express through written word. I currently have a journal which I write in every day expressing my daily feelings, adventures, inspirations etc. When I speak to friends and family about some of these things Im either full of so much excitement or deep in thought that I am not able to express things fully so why not do it through written word like I do in my journal?
As a woman we go through so many emotions and episodes in our life that not many men can understand, but saying that some men go through similar things to us women. I am a woman who has been bullied by so called friends, suffered racism at work, had my heart broken or played with by men, been through depression, been unsure about my career, loss of close family members and so I was very confused about my whole life.
It is not until recently I started attending 'The Pampering Club'. My life has gradually changed for the better and I am seeing my life in a whole knew light! I am very new to this journey but I am enjoying it so far and I know there is still a long road ahead but I believe it is going to be an amazing ride. I like every woman want to be treated like a Goddess and deserve to be treated this way and so I have learnt that to do this I need to see myself as a Godess but I can only see myself this way If I can find her deep within so that I can bring her out.
I am writing this for many women like me who are going through the similar or the same episodes in life, this is to let you all know you are not alone and that you can go on this journey too. Everything I write about is from the heart and what I am actually experiencing in my life.
Goddess "A female being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by people, often Goddess A female being believed to be the source of life and worshiped as the principal deity in various religions. A woman of great beauty or grace"
*The Pampering Club is a Wellbeing Network that connects women to resources and products for their personal growth. We provide women with the opportunity to take time out of their busy schedules, relax, learn and have fun. Our vision is of women living, laughing and loving. we pride ourselves on providing events that inspire and encourage women to be all that they desire to be plus more.
For more info: gatherings@pamperingclub.co.uk
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