This week has been a very strange week for me, Ive had a few episodes that have really taught me truthful lessons. It started off with work.
I work with people with autism helping them with maths, english and art which is a very rewarding job. But I have felt for quite some time that this is not the career path I want, I would come back from work and feel like I should be doing something completely different, something I know I want to do with all my heart and that I will love. On 3 occassions I found myself arriving at work to find I was not needed that day as someone else was doing my role or people were off sick and so I would end up having to go back home. Every time I walked in to work I would get a strange feeling like something or somebody was trying to tell me something and once I arrived at work I would get the news.
The next episode has been friendships, recently I have been ending friendships that I now know were not good for me, In the space of 3 weeks certain people I thought to be my friends have randomly contacted me and showed me very negative traits within themselves. There was envy, jealousy, discrimination, judgement and blame. I had never expected to hear what came out of their mouths and I knew right then our friendship would be no more. When their names appeared on my phone and in my messages that feeling came back straight away before I even responded. Something was telling me these are the people to let go, I usually find it very hard to let go of friendships but this time It felt right and now I feel so much better. Its like a big ball of negative energy had been erased.
My 3rd episode has been certain friends, I find when Im having me time a name of someone I know will appear through signs on adverts, websites, shop signs etc. I found it strange at first but then whenever I went on to a social network site that I am on their image will be the 1st image to appear on my home page or they have written me a message. It feels so surreal as before I see the signs I happen to be thinking of that person and the name will start to appear in so many places. At times when this would happen I would get a phone call from them or a message. Now if these are not signs then I dont know what is!
I seem to be getting this feeling quite a lot recently and it tends to happen when Im daydreaming or travelling somewhere. Signs will appear or written quotes that seem to snap me out of my thoughts. My thoughts are being answered in these signs and quotes and I find myself really focusing on it. I feel that somebody is communicating with me on a deeper level through hidden messages. I decided to do a bit more resarch on this to getter a better understanding on what this whole feeling means and this is what I found:
Decoding Spiritual Messages On the universe's wavelength:
Our daily lives are filled with spiritual messages and signs designed just for us. They appear on our path to teach us lessons, to help us make decisions, or simply to give us a preview of things to come. They can show us if we're headed in the right direction, or nudge us to change course if the road we're on no longer serves our best interests. But before we can reap the full benefits of these helpful messages and signs, we have to learn how to recognize them.
Since they're hardly ever loud or intrusive, they can be quite easy to ignore or overlook. But the more we pay attention to our surroundings and cultivate our powers of observation, the more we start to see useful information all around us. We are in constant communication with the universe -- it never stops sending us guidance and assistance.
Here are some instances when signs and spiritual messages are particularly easy to spot:
1. While Driving or Walking - What you see along the road is often an indication of what's happening on a larger scale on your life path. For example, witnessing an accident while driving is usually a message to slow down the pace of your life. Or seeing a glove on the sidewalk can reassure you that support is on the way, since a glove often signifies a helping hand.
2. Through Music - The meaning of the song might apply directly to your life in some way, perhaps to give you strength, offer clarity about a decision, or just to remind you that other people have dealt with the same issues you're facing now.
3. Overheard Conversations - If you overhear a woman on the phone talking about how she can't wait for her upcoming trip to Italy, take heed. Maybe you're meant to take a vacation yourself, or simply to add more activities to your life that fill you with excitement and anticipation.
4. Clock Patterns - Different numbers have different meanings, so if you 'happen to' see the same numbers repeatedly, one of our many skilled psychics can help you figure out why.
5. Home Repairs - A problem with your home can be a sign that your inner house could use some extra care as well. Water is a metaphor for our emotions, so a leaky roof or a plumbing problem can mean that you're feeling emotionally overwhelmed. A clogged drain might signify you have a suppressed issue or blocked emotion inside, and the time has come to let it go.
6. Extraordinary Circumstances - Sometimes an incident or combination of incidents makes you stand up and take notice. You can't stop thinking about your European ex-boyfriend you haven't spoken to in years, and he calls the next day. Or you're trying to decide whether to move to Miami or New York, and you see a car with a New York license plate right in front of you ... immediately after a radio commercial mentions New York, and twenty minutes later, you meet a guy in line at a cafe from, you guessed it: New York.
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