I am now in a relationship and I am very excited and happy about it. It has been a very long time since I have been in a relationship and I believe the person I am in a relationship with is thee special one, the one who deserves all my love, the one who will recieve alot of my time, that special one is ME!
I have been single for quite some time although I have dated, but when I dated I never really felt comfortable. I found myself searching for love within all the wrong people and I was going about it the wrong way. I would end up feeling like I was not good enough or there was something wrong with me. It took me quite some time to realise and accept that yes there was something major wrong with me. that something major was I never loved the one person who I should love, myself.
Ive recently taken a step back from a lot of friendships and have made more time for myself. I have started to pamper myself with facials, manicures, pedicures, aromatherapy showers etc. Im doing some of the stuff that we like to do in relationships like treating myself to dinners, movie nights and shopping, while doing this Im learning more about myself. Im learning what I am like, what my strong points are and what needs improvement, I am growing as a person and becoming more self confident.
For the 1st time in my life I can actually say I am really content within myself. I feel much healthier due to my healthy eating plan and new fitness regime, I am loving my body it is in the best shape ever at the moment and I plan to keep it this way. I feel more sexy within myself and I am really loving my mind. I have learnt to express myself, I have learnt to step out of my comfort zone and try something new, I have learnt to take better care of myself, I have learnt to believe and have faith in myself and Im learning to be happy as 1 person.
I dont need anyone to define me or make me feel special, I now know my worth and I deserve the best, I am special and I deserve special treatment and so I will be the one to treat myself the way I deserve to be treated. I have learnt when you love yourself it shows and people want to be around that love. Self love attracts others as you are constantly radiating love. Before you can love anyone else you need to love yourself. I find that since I have learnt about self love and I am living by it, I am attracting happy loving people in my life and It makes me feel good as we share our happiness. I smile a lot more than I used to, I look forward to me time and I am comfortable within my own company.
Loving myself is definately opening the right doors for me and I can see things a lot clearer now. I feel myself really growing as a woman and embracing the power of a woman. I feel the only way is up for me as I learn something new about myself every day, whether it be good or bad. If it is good I praise it, if it is bad I look in to it and work out how I can change this for the better. I believe being in a relationship with myself will really help me for when I do find a partner and settle down as i will be more positive in mind, more loving, happy and willing to share this with my partner. This will be a journey to a beautiful partnership.
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