A few days ago I became very emotional and felt a lot of pressure and this was down to religion verses spirituality. I have a few friends who have found religions that they strongly believe in being the nation of islam, pentecostal and christian. I was happy to hear that they have found something to believe in but then it felt like all eyes were on me. My friends began to preach to me about their religions and were trying to persuade me to join their religion but what they may have not realised is that they were really forcing their religion on me. It became their everyday conversation trying to get me to believe in what they believe in. It got so bad it felt like I was being attacked, the conversations became very draining.
I personally have been brought up as a catholic but as time went by my thoughts and views began to change, I am now at a point where I am a christian but I do not preach and I do not attend church. I believe when it comes to religion you will find your own way and you will find what you really believe in. I believe religion is a journey and is a similar journey to spirituality. Religion should not be forced on you. I believe in God and pray every night but as I have become older I am more spiritual and have recently had a spiritual connection. Since having the connection I feel complete, I feel happier and I am loving my life and this world. I only see the positive.
Some of my friends dont agree with my spiritual beliefs and insist on me sharing the same beliefs as them, It came to the point they were telling me Im confused, Im being decieved by the devil etc etc etc. I had to end the conversation immediately!
If I am your friend and I can accept your beliefs and not pass judgement, I believe you should be able to do the same thing for me. I am at a happy point in my life and If others fail to see that they are playing blind to what is true and what is real.
Their words is what really hurt me as Its not something I expected to come from a friend but It took a conversation with my sister and 2 of my close friends to realise and accept that as we get older sometimes we out grow our friendships, our frame of minds change and we may not still have that connection we once used to have. Sometimes its best to let this friend go as the friendship has drifted apart. We are no longer in tune with one another but this is where new friendships come in and it will be a time for a new adventure. Religion is not for everyone and the more you force religion on someone the more it back fires. Hearing this made me learn a lot and while thinking and processing these words I realised I should not have let their words get to me at all, I am happy with my beliefs and I feel my beliefs have made me a better and happier person.
I meditate and say affirmations daily, I smile more than I used to and I appreciate my life and everything/ everyone in my life. I see beauty in the world and I celebrate it every day of my life. I am happy with my beliefs and I will not change it at all. Im where I want to be!
This is touching and speaks very truly. I have a very hard time letting old relationships be, it's something I struggle with a lot.