Last week I decided to deactivate my profile on one of the social network sites I am on for a few days, I needed a bit of time to clear my head and focus on my thoughts and not others. This month I am learning so much about people around me, people I socialise with or I am aquainted with. The past week has been what I call, the negative feast.
The negative feast is when you feel like you are sitting at a large table, and you are at the head of the table amongst close friends, family, work collegues, aquaintances and all you hear is negative!. They talk about their own lives negatively, they discuss other peoples lives negatively, they discuss the world negatively and then they discuss your life negatively. They are all feeding on negativty and from doing this the whole room turns sour, your mind feels like it is becoming plagued with nothing but negative thoughts. The negative feast can change your behaviour and frame of thoughts which can lead to many problems in your life.
The negative feast happens on social network sites, on the phone through calls or messages, through verbal words face to face, it happens in many ways.
I have got to a point where I do not ask for peoples opinions or advice on issues that arise in my personal life as I always find I always come out feeling low. People always find a way to make your issue sound like it can not be solved and that you have failed. The conversation will always start with you confiding in someone, usually someone you are close to, the conversation somehow shifts to their life and what they had done in certain situations then it shifts back to you. They tell you what you should do and its usually to give up or fight through words or action, they beat you down with all the negatives in the issue which really gets to you, it starts to bring out mixed emotions. They tend to push you in to letting out anger, tears, frustration which most of us fall for and we end up doing this without realising this behaviour affects relationships, work and most importantly us as a person. It builds up insecurities and causes us to hold on to negative thoughts. We feel we have lost in the situation and all we can do is be bitter about it.
I find the negative feast can happen at anytime in your life, when you are at a happy moment in your life, you are full of positive thoughts and action the negative feeders come crawling towards you. They try and turn your positives in to a negative, they question your life style, your happiness, your relationships etc etc. They are trying to find errors in what you do and really emphasise this so it sticks in your head. Once this sticks in your head it breaks you down.
Some people believe that others do this because of their own insecurities or that it is just part of their character. I have chosen not to hear an explanation of why they do this, I have chosen to not let their opinions or advice get to me. I focus on my thoughts as I know my thoughts are positive, my thoughts make me smile all the time, my thoughts make me chase for my dreams and appreciate my life. I refuse to be plagued by others dark clouds that are surrounding their lives as that is not my life and that is not an option for me. When people feel the need to realease negative words I slowly breathe in and breathe out then I do something which we call zone out. Yes some people may think this is rude but what I am actually doing is blocking out all the negative so that my mind remains free from it all. If they want to talk about positive things I come out of that zone and I am more than willing to hear it. If I do not zone out I do something called looking above and beyond, this is when negative comes out of their mouth I look above their heads, I hear their words but I do not process it. I find I do not process their words because I am not looking at their eyes or facial expressions, I am not focusing on their words,I am only seeing what is above. When I look above I am seeing my surroundings which could be families, trees or animals running around. So as I am seeing these things my mind is at a peaceful place and so the negative words are just nt getting in my mind. To find the inner Goddess I believe you have to eat, breathe and sleep positivity and to do this means thinking positive and living positive. There is no room for negativity in a Goddess' life!
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