This month has been full of family and friend events, usually I budget my money monthly and try not to over spend but this month I have dished out money with no complaints as what the money went towards was worth it. I have had the chance to go to theatre, dinners, private event nights and family occasions which has been full of fun and laughter. During this time I have learnt that supporting your friends and family is very important and is a very loving gesture, it shows that person that you care about them and believe in them. Its good to have a support system in your life as it makes you feel stronger within yourself, you also get a great sense of pride that gives you confidence from knowing that you have people in your life who support you.
At times people may not do this for you and I know its annoying and hurtful but I believe that you should treat people how you want to be treated, and the first step is love. Show love in different ways, supporting others is a great way to show love especially the ones you care about. For some people it may take a day, week, months or years to return the gesture, for some they will not at all but I have learnt not to let that affect me as I know that one day I will be rewarded for the love I share and there will be people who have seen the way I support others and will learn to do the same. Not only do we learn from our pasts, we learn from others and If I can teach people to support others then that is a good sign.
I never used to make much time to go to friends and family events either because I had so much work to do or I was tired, I never realised that my presence actually meant alot to them and from me being there would make them feel more at ease and more confident. It only hit me yesterday on why some of my friends would not be too happy with me after one of their events for not attending. I have to admit I do not attend all events but I do my best to attend some of them and when I do this its to show I care and I am proud of them.
It has been so great seeing my cousin perform in theatre as it was something I never expected her to do, the play was enjoyable and she played her character well. The best thing about it was feeling proud of my cousin for achieving her goal within acting and It was nice to be there to witness this and show her support. There was a big audience and It must have taken a lot of courage to stand on stage in front of so many people and perform for a few hours. But the job was done well and I am glad I was apart of the experience. I have also attended dinner events that friends have put so much effort in to from picking a lovely restaraunt, to finding a date that everyone can attend to making sure the food and comany was 5 star service. I know that most times organising an event can be very stressful as you are aiming to please others and sometimes pleasing others is not easy at all! the event may not be to your standards but you have to be grateful that you were thought of when you recieved an invitation and for the effort that was put in to organising the event.
I also found myself doing voluntary work for a cousin at a birthday event which was very tiring but enjoyable as I got to share the moment with my sister. I have not done voluntary work in a very long time even for friends but I knew that my cousin needed the help and support and I was more than willing to get involved. Although the job may have looked easy it was not at all, dealing with 100 and more people face to face can be very draining but I could see clearly why he needed the help, he was doing so much on the night and It must have taken him some time to organise the whole event. I knew me being there and helping out showed that not only do I support what he does it also shows that he has a friend in me. In life we all need a helping hand once in a while and when hands join we become strong we become a support system which is unbreakable
Love your blog Mizz Goddess!! xo